Darmowy przelew na Dzień Mamy!

Darmowy przelew na Dzień Mamy!

„MAMA” to najpiękniejsze słowo świata. Mama to najważniejsza osoba w naszym życiu! Nikt nie zna nas tak dobrze jak ona. Choć dzielą nas tysiące kilometrów, bliskość serc jest ważniejsza. Zbliża się dzień, w którym jak co roku chcemy powiedzieć Mamie, jak bardzo ją kochamy i jak za nią tęsknimy. W Dzień Matki pragniemy wyrazić naszą wdzięczność!

Przygotowaliśmy promocję, która pomoże Ci uczynić Dzień Mamy wyjątkowym.
Z Sami Swoi w Dniu Matki wyślesz darmowy przelew do Polski!
Promocja trwa przez cały dzień 26 maja.

wyślij przelew do Polski

Jak skorzystać z promocji? To proste.
Wykonując przelew Standard podaj hasło promocyjne „Mama” (przy transferach online hasło wpisz w polu „kod promocyjny”).

Z promocji możesz skorzystać:
– na stronie www.PrzekazyPieniezne.com
– w aplikacji mobilnej
– w placówkach i oddziałach Sami Swoi,
– telefonicznie

Wszystkim Mamom składamy najserdeczniejsze życzenia!

TERMS & CONDITIONS of the promotion “Free Transfers for Mother’s Day”

Description of the organizer

1. The organiser of the promotion program is One Money Mail Ltd T/As Sami Swoi, based in London W5 2ST, Exchange Plaza, 58 Uxbridge Road, registered in the Companies House under registration number 5031907

2. The Organiser is directly responsible for the implementation of the promotion.

Type of services covered by the promotion

The promotion is aimed at individual clients having full legal capacity, who during the period of the promotion will make a standard bank transfer to Poland in all Sami Swoi centres, branches, agencies as well as through the website www.przekazypieniezne.com. Terms and Conditions are described by the Organizer on their website www.przekazypieniezne.com.

Period and place of the promotion

The promotion starts at 23:59 on 25.05.2016 and ends at 23:59 on 26.05.2014. It covers all the transfers made in all Sami Swoi Centres / Branches, Agencies or on the website www.przekazypieniezne.com, via mobile app as well as on the following phone numbers: 02070992441, 08458 682 201.

Participants of the promotion

The participants of the promotion can be all the individuals over the age of 18. The Promotion is available to all the existing clients of Sami Swoi, as well as the clients who will be registered during the period of the promotion.

Terms and conditions of the promotion

The condition of the participation in the promotion in all Sami Swoi Centres and Agencies is to make a bank transfer as described in §2 of the Terms & Conditions with the password “Mama”

The condition of the participation in the promotion on the website www.przekazypieniezne.com is to make a bank transfer as described in §2 of the Terms & Conditions with the password “Mama” which should be entered in the “promotion code” field.

Each participant is entitled to one free transfer as described in §2 of the Terms and Conditions.


All the complaints with reference to the promotion can be made by phone, via email or in writing at the Organiser’s address by 26 June 2016, however not later than 7 days from the date the incident causing the complaint had occurred. The complaint date as postmarked.

The complaint will be considered in accordance with conditions described by the Organizer in “Complaint Policy” available on https://www.przekazypieniezne.com

Final provisions

During the period of the promotion, the Terms and Conditions of the promotion will be displayed in Sami Swoi Centres, as well as on the website https://www.przekazypieniezne.com. The participation in the promotion confirms the acceptance of the Terms and Conditions by the Participant and obligates the Participant to observe the described rules. It also confirms that the Participant meets all the conditions to participate in the promotion.

The participant confirms that he/she read the Terms & Conditions and accepts them in full.

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